Nov 30
New Characters
As new characters, Join the old and ongoing play, New dramas happen, New story lines start, And the scenes go on, And sometimes, I don't...
Nov 26
When The World Slows Down
I had nothing planned for today, And I did so many things, Now I'm waiting, For my eyes to get heavy, And sleep to consume me, Before...
Nov 21
Today has made me feel heavy, light, anxious, sleepy, excited and everything in between, I've been drained while making little decisions,...
Nov 2
Snippets From A November Day
i'm living one of the dreams i had and when one dream comes true every other dream feels a little more possible ✨ jab aap dil se khush...
Nov 1, 2022
Denial - Stage Of Grief
...and even on the quietest days, Of the mind and heart, Where acceptance is still far, But ignorance works for now, I end up with the...
Feb 9, 2022
I Thought About Flying
I have thought about flying, Even in rooms with no doors, For I know, I'm not meant to stay trapped here forever. I have thought about...
Jan 21, 2022
Distant and Close
I'm distant, But you're close, Hanging on tiny strings of hope, Silencing chaos as it comes and goes, You're not distant, But I'm neither...
Sep 24, 2021
Color of Me
I've been the bright blue sky, Reflecting hope all over the horizon, Now, I'm the midnight sky, Bluer than the blues, Yet, not black, I...
Sep 14, 2021
Why Should I?
I'm too scared, But then I ask myself Why, And I come up with nothing, Because I know, The only thing I need to be scared about, Is this...