
Nov 8, 2017

Holding Grudges

I’ll remember what you had said few years back about my choices and how I’ll fail.

I’ll remember how you made fun of me behind my back thinking that I wouldn’t know what you’re doing.

I’ll remember how you passed on comments whispering in ears right in front of me, imagining how dumb I am to not know what’s going on.

I’ll remember how you bullied me when you thought it will affect me and I’ll break down.

I’ll remember and I’ll hold a grudge for I don’t think holding a grudge is something bad. I’ll hold a grudge because I’ll protect myself from not believing anything you say to me because it will be a part of your gossip during lunch. I’ll be cautious while I hold a grudge to not spill out anything which will make you create a rumour against me. I’ll hold a grudge because you made me hold it for you.

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