
Jan 31, 2020
Unfinished Conversations
It’s late at night, On the final day, Of January, Which already seemed like a year. We have sneaked, Out on the terrace, With our...

Nov 21, 2019
Building, Not Breaking
You are not breaking because you couldn’t pedal the cycle for the first time you sat on it. You are building up to ride that cycle from...

Jun 26, 2018
Writers Life
Type, Stare, Backspace. Think, Stare, Type. Type, Write, Type. Backspace. Type, Stare, Backspace. Type, Type, Type. Stare, Backspace,...

Apr 17, 2018
Isn’t It?
Isn’t it annoying, To write about the feelings, You have felt, But no longer feel, Howsoever good they were. Isn’t it sad, To go back and...

Apr 11, 2018
What Are We Doing?
What we are doing, Sitting in glass walls, Listening to lectures about values and religion, When we can’t even raise a finger, To prompt...
Apr 10, 2018
Insatiable Void
There are hundreds of tiny fragments floating in the day leading me back to what you used to say. When do you have holidays? Are you...

Apr 7, 2018
Saturday Morning
There is something really peaceful about a Saturday morning, The feeling of not snoozing the alarm for ten more minutes, The feeling of...

Apr 3, 2018
Negative < Positive
I wish I could just lie in my bed and stare at the sky just before the sun rose, thinking about all the things I loved rather than...

Apr 2, 2018
I wake up with sudden white light on my face. Shielding my sleep filled, groggy eyes with my left hand, I try to cover my head with the...
Mar 30, 2018
The Writing Streak
I just wish sometimes to just end the writing streak, Send the chain of six hundred and fifty plus blogs in a black hole, Not write a...

Mar 28, 2018
It’s when I’m almost getting to the point where I’m not thinking about you, my heart fights to forget the idea of the existence of a...

Mar 27, 2018
Dodging every bullet on the way, Aiming one goal at a time, Determined enough to be victorious, And little dreams don’t fall apart. Grit...