
Nov 23, 2023
Why Am I Fighting?
I don't know why, I'm fighting a fight, That doesn't need to be fought, Or isn't even a fight, In the first place. Then, why am I at war,...

Feb 10, 2023
The War | After A Year
After a year, The war ended, And we met, As promised. But then, a war began, The moment we met, Like every story has a tragedy, We became...

Nov 17, 2022
Not Without A Fight
I am not going down without a fight, So, I'll spill every ounce of courage I have, And use every bit of hope, But not give up until...

Nov 8, 2022
Cease | Fire
With quiet mornings, Filled with the fight left over from last night, Almost raging the moment the eyes open, To stay stronger than ever...

Oct 18, 2022
Line Of Defence
—————————————————— There, I drew it, That's the line of defence, Everything on this side of it, Is mine, And everything on the other...