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The Way It Was Supposed To Happen

Everything connects,

Like dots,

Like stars of an ancient constellation,

Like it was always meant to be like this,

Since days, months, years, centuries, light years,

And it has finally happened,

The way it was really supposed to happen,

One thing after another,

From song lyrics,

To remembering the conversation that happened years ago,

To finding the exact words,

To realizing they are not there anymore,

To feeling hurt for the way it happened,

The way it was really supposed to happen,

To question it's intentions,

To still not knowing why,

But knowing that it all connects,

Like stars forming the constellations in the sky.

To finding the words in books then,

Where the boy reminds you of someone again,

To whatever he says, you know,

The same way he was supposed to say.

For what is here may not be there tomorrow,

And how sad this whole thought is,

But you know it's true because it has happened with you,

Like it was meant to be,

And it had finally happened,

The way it was really supposed to happen,

One thing after another.

sometimes i just find the right-est words for all the emotions with the right-est photo from pinterest

words for the day

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