World Is MovingGurditMay 5, 2018The whole world is moving,Then why am I stuck where I am?Doesn’t the laws,Of rotation and revolution,Apply to me?Or is it just,The gravity acting stronger,Only for me?#writing #gravitationalforce #writer #physics #blogger #blogging #revolution #itsametaphor #rotation #gravity #astronomy #travel #gravitation #blog #poetry #dailylifeexperiences #travelling #poem #astrophysics #centrifugalforce #metaphor #traveller #earthpoetry
The whole world is moving,Then why am I stuck where I am?Doesn’t the laws,Of rotation and revolution,Apply to me?Or is it just,The gravity acting stronger,Only for me?#writing #gravitationalforce #writer #physics #blogger #blogging #revolution #itsametaphor #rotation #gravity #astronomy #travel #gravitation #blog #poetry #dailylifeexperiences #travelling #poem #astrophysics #centrifugalforce #metaphor #traveller #earthpoetry