
Sep 18, 2018
Now and Then
Every now and then, I carry this weight on me, Heavier than the last time, Lighter, it makes me feel And everytime, It comes back, With...
Oct 26, 2016
Poem 5 – In and Out.
In and Out. Poem #5. She laughs, At her own jokes. She’s happy, To be back. She lives each day, As her last. Enjoys, To be back. Sleeps...
Oct 25, 2016
Poem 4 – In and Out
In and Out. Poem #4. She screams, Hears herself, Cannot be like this, Anymore. She pushes her day, Tries to smile, Gets smiled back, A...
Oct 24, 2016
Poem 3- In and Out.
In and Out. Poem #3. The dead silence, Soothes her, Feels happy, Alone. The day passes quickly, The night quicker, With nightmares,...
Oct 23, 2016
Poem 2- In and Out.
In and Out. Poem #2. The non-stop silence, Worries her. She doesn’t understand, Why. The day is long, The night longer. She feels alone,...
Oct 22, 2016
Poem 1 – In and Out.
In and Out. Poem #1. Chatters non-stop, Without any worry. She doesn’t know, What is to be lonely. Blabbers throughout, The day and...