4 days ago
Bold Audacity
I've borrowed audacity today, From versions of all the people who are bolder than me, I've thought less, And acted more today, Letting...
5 days ago
One More Book
I've half read books scattered all over the house, Yet I desire to have one more book, That stays close to my heart, Ignites some kind of...
Mar 8, 2022
Magical Moments
Some magical moments are so short that you often don't grasp them completely when it happens. It all comes back to you when you're...
Jan 22, 2022
No Sense
Honestly? It doesn't make sense to me either, About everything that I feel yet don't say, And about everything you say but don't feel....
Jan 10, 2022
Breaking Point
As humans, we love to psycho analyse everything to some kind of "breaking point", isn't it? That one point at which the current situation...
Nov 10, 2021
These people are absolute blessings you know, the ones who wish for the best for you, always and in every way. And though it might seem...
Sep 25, 2021
Color of You
No, you're the silver lining to my dark cloud, You're the golden rays of the sun, That spark that lights up the world after a dark night,...
Sep 14, 2021
Why Should I?
I'm too scared, But then I ask myself Why, And I come up with nothing, Because I know, The only thing I need to be scared about, Is this...
Aug 12, 2021
Everything Comes Back To You
I had no where to go vs You were the first person I wanted to tell. I wanted a safe space... I was too frightened alone... I wanted...
Jul 11, 2021
Nothing Else Mattered
This is the only time, Of the day, When I am completely honest to myself. Addressing the most vulnerable, Most deepest, rawest feelings...